Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Learn How to Crochet a Scarf Easy!

Easy Scarf Crochet Tips

A little dexterity is helpful in working with ...Image via Wikipedia
Learning how to crochet a scarf isn’t hard, and guess what? Once you know the basics, it’s just as simple to learn how to knit a striped, patterned, or fringed scarf, too. Really, simply know one basic pattern, and make any variations you like from there.

The basics of scarf knitting
Knitting a basic scarf is very simple — all you really have to do is cast on ten to fourteen stitches and knit straight down. It’s a excellent thought, if you’re learning how to crochet a scarf for beginners, to check out some of the common mistakes people make when knitting scarves.

From there, learn how to knit a scarf with these embellishments.

How to crochet a striped scarf
If you can knit a solid scarf, you can knit a striped scarf, no problem. The only thing you need to know in order to know how to crochet a striped scarf is how to join yarn.

Knit your scarf as you normally would. When it comes time to start the stripe, simply cut your working yarn and join in the new color. Knit several more rows until you’re satisfied with the length, and then switch back to the original.

The only thing to watch out for is that you make sure you join new colors on corresponding rows (for example, join only on odd rows, or only on even). Otherwise, you see the joins on the finished scarf.

How to crochet a scarf fringe
If you can learn how to crochet a scarf, a fringe should be no problem. Simply take a long strand of your yarn (if you used two colors for a striped scarf, double up so you’re holding one strand of each color) and wrap it around your hand six or seven times, depending on the thickness of the fringe you want.

Cut the ends. Use a crochet hook to pull one side of the loops through the bottom row of your knitted scarf. With that same crochet hook, reach through the loops that have come through the scarf, hook the bottom loops, and pull them through to secure your fringe. Now just cut through the bottom pieces so they hang free, and you have the first part of your fringe. Repeat to your heart’s content.

It’s just as simple to learn how to crochet a scarf with bells and whistles as it is to knit something plain and dull!

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