Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Camel Crochet Ultimate Bundle

Camel Crochet Is An Exciting Approach To The Ancient Handicraft Of Crochet Resulting In Crocheted Garments, Afghans And Other Items With The Softness Of Knitting. It Is A Simple Technique Using Regular Crochet Hooks.

Check it out!

Easy Instructions To Crochet A Beautiful Lattice Scarf

heck out this simple lattice scarf pattern – it’s so quick and simple you’ll be
wanting to make another in no time.

It’s simplest to work in a regular acrylic, but of course I had
to try something different and opted for 6 ounces of a sport weight
chenille instead and a 4mm hook.

Don’t worry about gauge with this scarf as it’s such an open lacy

This is how I did it…Chain 30.

Slip stitch into 10th chain from hook, *chain 5, skip next 4 stitches, slip stitch in next chain, repeat from * ending with slip stitch in last chain. Turn.*Chain 5, slip stitch in 3rd chain of each 5 chain space, repeat from * 5 times, chain 3, treble in last stitch. Turn.*Chain 5, slip stitch in 3rd chain of each 5 chain space, repeat from * 5 times ending with slip stitch in last stitch. Turn.Rows 2 and 3 form the pattern repeat. Repeat these rows until your scarf is the length you want, then ending with a row 3 continue as follows…Working across one end of your scarf (4 single crochet, 1 X 15 chain twisted tassel, 4 single crochet in each 5 chain space) 5 times.Then working down the length of the scarf work 4 single crochet along each treble or 3 chain space skipping over the joins.When you get to the next corner work across the other end of the scarf as row 5.The last edge is worked as row 6, slip stitch to first single crochet and end off.

Only one end to end off in your lattice scarf pattern – how’s
that for convenience?

Try different yarns for different looks – cotton, silk,
variegated acrylic, you could even try working it in a lighter
weight wool and felting it. If you’re using this last option – don’t forget about the shrinkage – it’ll be about 30% with such an open pattern .

Any weight of yarn or size of hook will work with this pattern, just remember the finer the yarn the narrower and lighter the scarf. The bulkier the yarn, the wider and heavier the scarf.

Give it a try – you just might like it.

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How To Crochet A Scarf

How to crochet a scarf, how simple can this title get. It is so simple that anyone young ancient whatever can do it. For the simple fact that learning how to crochet a scarf isn’t something you would ant to learn, want to know why? because everybody knows how to do it already. I can really tell you that you already know, so if you are looking to learn, well don’t worry about learning, because you already know the basics steps into learning how to crochet a scarf, you just have to know how to use them. Learning how to crochet a scarf can never be hard, because it is the most simple thing anyone can do, I can guarantee you that you or anyone who has never done this before, already knows how to do it

Now starting off with the foundation, this is very vital when learning how to crochet a scarf, because without a foundation you don’t have a scarf or whatever you are trying to crochet. The next step after you get your foundation down you just have to keep repeating the steps, one at a time, just keep going and going until you finally complete your scarf, and there you have it a excellent scarf. It really wasn’t that hard was it? Many people reckon learning how to crochet a scarf is hard, but I can surely tell you that it isn’t. Learning how to crochet a scarf can be as simple as learning how to brush your teeth. I mean you already know how, just putting it to work makes you find out how to do it and what exactly to do and what not to do.

How To Crochet A Scarf How To Crochet A Scarf

Another thing that is very vital when learning how to crochet a scarf is to always remember that it is just a leisure activity, it is not a competition, it is just something that you would wanna do when you are bored or when you are in your living room sitting down watching tv. Crocheting a scarf is something that if not everybody, most people know how to do. It doesn’t matter if you are young or ancient, if you have hands and know how to go them, you are set to learn how to crochet a scarf, because learning how to crochet a scarf is that.

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Crochet Made Easy

Instructional E-book, Showing [photographs] And Teaching Beginners How To Crochet. Step By Step Instructions From How To Hold A Hook, Up To Creating Your First Project. Tips On Caring For Your Crochet, Altering The Finished Size And Tension Of Your Item

Check it out!

Vintage Crochet Pattern Collection!

317 One-of-a-kind Vintage Crochet Patterns That Are Over 100 Years Old!

Check it out!

How To Crochet A Scarf – Beginner Crochet

Learning to crochet is not hard, especially if you can learn from someone and watch how they do it. There are also many books and videos and online sources of information on the leisure activity of crocheting. Learning to crochet is simplest with a smooth yarn. Master the basic chain and you are on your way!

Crochet is a delicate and loving craft, and when paired with fine fabrics it makes unique and dazzling creations. Crochet is done with one needle and a yarn of choice. A fantastic choice for a beginner?s first project is crocheting a scarf. Many scarf patterns are available free on the web to get you started. Crochet is showing up everywhere. Time for you to get started!

Crochet is a method of making fabric from yarn or thread, much like knitting. In both crochet and knitting, loops of yarn are pulled through other loops to make fabric. Crochet is a similar process, but you use a crochet hook to pull loops through a slipknot. You can pull multiple loops through the knot and, if you use a fine thread, you can make highly intricate and delicate patterns. Crochet is hotter than ever, and there are many magazines that reflect this growing trend.

An extremely versatile and well loved technique for making a variety of fashion and home decor accessories, crochet is the perfect fit for your leisure activity. Be sure to follow crochet instructions when starting out. By combining basic crochet stitches and lighter weight or softer yarns, you make a delicate, drapable fabric; a thicker yarn produces a sturdy fabric. Crochet is making a comeback. It is is very relaxing in today’s world.
Crochet is a fantastic way to relax and to make gifts for family members on a budget. If you are interested in trying your hand at an vintage pattern, possibly from the Victorian era, their are many available free on the web. Just do a Google search and you will find them. For vintage patterns, crochet directions you can get from an eBook are helpful for your first patterns.

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Learn How to Crochet a Scarf Easy!

Easy Scarf Crochet Tips

A little dexterity is helpful in working with ...Image via Wikipedia
Learning how to crochet a scarf isn’t hard, and guess what? Once you know the basics, it’s just as simple to learn how to knit a striped, patterned, or fringed scarf, too. Really, simply know one basic pattern, and make any variations you like from there.

The basics of scarf knitting
Knitting a basic scarf is very simple — all you really have to do is cast on ten to fourteen stitches and knit straight down. It’s a excellent thought, if you’re learning how to crochet a scarf for beginners, to check out some of the common mistakes people make when knitting scarves.

From there, learn how to knit a scarf with these embellishments.

How to crochet a striped scarf
If you can knit a solid scarf, you can knit a striped scarf, no problem. The only thing you need to know in order to know how to crochet a striped scarf is how to join yarn.

Knit your scarf as you normally would. When it comes time to start the stripe, simply cut your working yarn and join in the new color. Knit several more rows until you’re satisfied with the length, and then switch back to the original.

The only thing to watch out for is that you make sure you join new colors on corresponding rows (for example, join only on odd rows, or only on even). Otherwise, you see the joins on the finished scarf.

How to crochet a scarf fringe
If you can learn how to crochet a scarf, a fringe should be no problem. Simply take a long strand of your yarn (if you used two colors for a striped scarf, double up so you’re holding one strand of each color) and wrap it around your hand six or seven times, depending on the thickness of the fringe you want.

Cut the ends. Use a crochet hook to pull one side of the loops through the bottom row of your knitted scarf. With that same crochet hook, reach through the loops that have come through the scarf, hook the bottom loops, and pull them through to secure your fringe. Now just cut through the bottom pieces so they hang free, and you have the first part of your fringe. Repeat to your heart’s content.

It’s just as simple to learn how to crochet a scarf with bells and whistles as it is to knit something plain and dull!

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How To Crochet A Scarf Basics

Learning the basics on how to crochet a scarf is essential if you want to learn how to crochet a excellent scarf. Most people reckon that if you have the basics down you can pretty much do a whole scarf by yourself, because in reality the basics is what really counts, once you have the basic steps down, you can pretty much do a scarf. The basics on how to crochet a scarf are really really simple to do and not complicated at all, I reckon even people who never even heard about crochet a scarf can do it, for the simple fact that it is so simple to do.

Beginning to learn the basics is how you make a  scarf or crochet a scarf. The basics consist of many things, like what kind of yarn you want to use, what kind of color, what kind of texture, many small things that you can pick out for your own personal scarf. One thing you always have to remember is that you always have to look out for the size of your scarf, because you don’t want it too huge or too small. Most people start out doing a foundation and they build on top of that until they have a pretty decent sized foundation that they want their scarf to be, then they just build on top of that and build on it until it is done. Whenever you find yourself in a spot that you reckon you made it too huge or too small, I suggest you try it again because taking it all down is too much work and you would be better off starting a  new one.

There can really be many things that are considered how to crochet a scarf basics, and some of these so called basics aren’t even basics at all, they are just simple things that you should know about. For example when crocheting a scarf you always have to remember to make sure that it is what you are looking for and not what somebody else is looking for, unless you are doing it for somebody else.

How To Crochet A Scarf Basics

How To Crochet A Scarf Basics

Another excellent point to learning how to crochet a scarf is that it can really turn out to be a excellent leisure activity for many people, and in reality, many people really treat it as a leisure activity. Most of the time people crochet  scarfs when they are in the living room watching TV, or when they are just talking with their family. It is just that simple and simple to do that it doesn’t really require anything fancy to learn or nothing like that. If you really reckon about it, learning how to crochet a scarf is as simple as learning how to ride a bike.

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